Friday, October 29, 2010

Yoghurt Weaving in Hebden Bridge

On one of our days in Yorkshire we paid a visit to the scenic town of Hebden Bridge. We were told that it's a popular tourist destination and that it's a favourite haunt of hippies and artists. Now, coming as I do from Devon we have the hippie mecca of Totnes, known as two square miles surrounded by reality. Hebden Bridge turned out to be something of a disappointment on the cheesecloth front but very good for nick-nack boutiques!

Monday, October 25, 2010

Up the Junction

Well it's been a while since my last post and it's a while since I picked up the Minox Dsc. I'm on a couple of weeks leave from work and have just had a few days in Yorkshire staying with an old college friend. He lives in a town a few miles from Leeds in a very scenic part of the country. Luckily the area is blessed with excellent beer and many great pubs, the best of which is The Junction in Otley. This is an unpretentious no food sort of place which is normally packed with all ages and types. They have live music, but unfortunately I didn't get to see my favourite crazy dancing Cajun performer this time round. He does a sort of David Byrne style running on the spot dance while singing his cajun/zydeco ditties but performed here a couple of weeks before my holiday.
Anyway, a few pints of Timothy Taylor in The Junction is a great way to spend an evening and is a fine end to a day spent exploring new places in Yorkshire. Here's a snap of the pub, nothing much to look at photographically or architecturally but there are more Yorkshire pics to come!